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Website usability testing refers to the practice of running a test on a website to see if it’s user-friendly and easy to navigate.
This is an integral part of the digital marketing process. It helps identify issues that are preventing people from completing their purchases.
We’ve all been there. You’re trying to find something specific online, but you can’t find what you’re looking for.

It’s frustrating when you know what you want but can’t find it.
Website usability testing can help you solve this problem by ensuring your website is easily navigable and that the information you need is easy to access.

In this post, we will discuss some of the basics of a website usability test.


What is website usability?

Website Usability is a combination of many things. A website that is:

  • easy to navigate
  • easy to find what you want
  • easy to read
  • easy to understand
  • and fast

The site should be clean and organized, should not have too much information, should be simple, and should not be so busy that people cannot read or understand it.

When we talk about website usability, we are talking about the ability of the users to understand, use, and control the website in the way they want.

We all know that if a website is not designed well, it is not usable. But what exactly is it that makes a website usable?

According to the website usability experts, a website is usable when it can meet the needs of visitors and users without any difficulty.

Usability is the ease with which a website is used by its visitors.

A website is considered beneficial when it is easy to find what you are looking for. The pages are well organized and easy to navigate. And the content is clear without any unnecessary or confusing elements that may lead to frustration.

Here are some of the critical website usability factors

  • Responsive design
  • navigation
  • font size and color
  • UI
  • speed and uptime
  • clarity
  • relevance
  • ease of use

Why is website usability important?

Good website usability positively impacts the brand image, customer satisfaction, and sales. 

Website usability is important because it helps determine if your website meets the needs of its visitors and customers. It also ensures that your website provides a positive user experience. If users have difficulty finding what they want on your website, they may get frustrated and leave. 

Here are a few other benefits of good website usability.

It reduces the bounce rate. Bounce rate is a metric used to measure how fast a user leaves the site after visiting. The bounce rate of a website is considered one of the most important metrics for determining the success of a website. A low bounce rate is associated with a higher conversion rate.

It improves the user experience. A website with good usability will make the users feel more comfortable when they visit it. It will help them find what they want quickly and easily. Increase customer loyalty When your customers have a positive experience with your website, they will be more likely to buy your products and services.

What is website usability testing?

Website usability testing is a method for testing websites to determine if they meet the needs of real users. It helps you figure out where you need to make changes or improvements to better serve your customers and build trust with them. The goal of website usability testing is to ensure your website is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and easy to find the information you need.

A usability test should be conducted in a controlled environment. 

Furthermore, it requires a lot of planning and attention to detail. A test participant is someone who has not been involved with the website before. They will be given specific tasks to complete and monitored throughout the session. This allows you to see how he interacts with the website, determine what is working well, and pick up on any usability problems.

Why is website usability testing necessary?

A user can spend a lot of time searching and navigating a website. If they can’t find what they’re looking for, they may leave your site frustrated and annoyed. This means lost sales and wasted money. You’re spending money on a website that isn’t converting. You’re not even sure if it’s because the site isn’t intuitive or because the site is too complicated for people to navigate. You don’t know what your customers think of your site.

A usability test or usability evaluation can help you discover what your users think of your site and what could be improved.

User testing helps to understand how people use a website so that they can be more effective in the future. Website usability testing can also help you identify the potential problems with your website. You can also use the results of the test to make changes that will improve your users’ experience.

What are the main types of website usability testing?

Explorative user testing is a standard usability testing method. It is done to test a site’s functionality prior to it going live. It is best to have someone who is not familiar with the site’s interface perform this test. A usability tester will use a device such as a laptop or mobile phone to test how easy it is to use the site. They will record their actions while they are on the site. This recording will be analyzed later for any issues.

Comparative Usability Testing is a testing technique that compares the usability of two or more competing websites or elements of the same site (similar to ab testing). The goal is to find out which one is better at satisfying the users’ needs and to learn why. Comparative user testing aims to understand user experience and help companies choose the most efficient website for their target audience.

Assessment usability testing is an ongoing process that involves evaluating a website or application’s design and functionality in a live environment. It can help identify any potential problems that users might encounter as they navigate through the website or application. This type of testing is done to better understand how users interact with your website, allowing the designers to make improvements in future versions.

There are other more specific methods of user research that will be covered in future posts such as, remote usability testing and moderated testing.

Usability testing can be conducted at the beginning, during, and after the development process. It can be streamlined using usability testing tools. 

How often should you do usability testing?

The answer is “as often as you can.” Usability testing needs to be an ongoing process. It should be done as often as possible during the development, live, and redesign process to ensure that the website meets user needs and expectations and catch any future usability issue.

What to do after usability testing is completed?

After the usability tests are complete, it is important to analyze the results. This helps you to see what worked well and what could be improved. You can then make changes to your product based on the results of the tests. It is important to do a follow-up test to see if the changes made any difference.

Follow-up usability tests should be done at least two weeks after making any changes to the product.